Here today we had Ms Sheaving come in and teach us some more cybersmart facts.Here today we had to write down what to do and what not to do online.Here today I am going to show you some of my answer's to what you do online and what you don't do.Here are my answers to do and don't do.Feel free to take a look but don't forget to COMMENT below!
What to do online!
-Be Kindful to make new friends
-Be Helpful to learn from others
-Be Respectful to others by using your manners
-Beware for sudden traps
-Be Polite and nice to people and they would do it back
What you don't do online!
-Don’t be rude before something bad happens
-Don’t swear because how it is disrespectful other by not using your manners.
-NO Catfishing people before someone will get caught.
-Do not say inappropriate things to others because how it is not using your manners to others.
-Enjoy Reading!
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