Summer Learning Journey!
Day 3 #Activity 2-Playing Games! |
In this activity it had talked about hundreds years ago young Moari children had been taught how to play games like Ki O
Rahi, Koruru Taonga and Poi Toa.
What we had to do was read a article about the game Ki O Rahi and also answer the question:
you played this game before?
it cool how the games have been
passed down for generations?
and also write a description of Ki O Rahi (in your own words). Your description
should include (a) the goal or purpose of the game, and (b) two rules of the game.
You could even try playing them with a friend.
I really enjoy doing this because how I got to learn some new facts about the new game Ki O Rahi.
Here is my answers:
Feel free to take a look but don't forget to COMMENT below!
Have I played this game before?
Do but I hope I would when I get back to school with my friends.
Isn't it cool how the games have been passed down for generations?
Yes it has because how it can have the game still be living.
Description of Ki O Raih.

The game is play with a large team between 2 teams which is kioma and tainwha which is on a large cricular filed.It has been played on 4 quaters or 2 halves set time .
So the Kioma socre by touching the pou/s with a thing called Ki for the potential points then has to run the Ki through the Te Roto placing down in this spot pawero to convert pu touchs into points. Kioma has to stop the other team Tainwha before tainwha scores by hitting the tupu with a Ki. The Taniwha team mus stop the Kioma team from scoring by touching or 2 handed touch,ripping the tags or tackling them.
The goal or purpose of the game?
The goal or purpose of this game was to teach our family from generation to generation to keep it living until the end.
Two rules of the game?
Players cannot enter te ara, unless they are kioma moving between pawero
and te ao.
Players in possession must be moving or they have 3-5 seconds to pass or
shot or hand it over.
-Enjoy Reading!
Have you played this game?
Please answer by commenting below!.
IALT: write down a description about the game and also write down what was the purpose and also write down two rules.

The goal or purpose of the game?
The goal or purpose of this game was to teach our family from generation to generation to keep it living until the end.
Two rules of the game?
Players cannot enter te ara, unless they are kioma moving between pawero
and te ao.
Players in possession must be moving or they have 3-5 seconds to pass or
shot or hand it over.
-Enjoy Reading!
Have you played this game?
Please answer by commenting below!.
IALT: write down a description about the game and also write down what was the purpose and also write down two rules.
Hi Aletheia,
ReplyDeleteRuby here from the Summer Learning Journey team!
Anther great post. Well done! You have done a good job telling us what this game is about and how to play it.
It's great to hear that you would like to try playing this game. I really like what you have said about passing the game down to keep it alive. It's such a fun game it's worth keeping alive! I have played this game a couple of times. Although I'm not very good at it because I can't run very fast.
Have you played any of the other games before? Poi Rakau is another really fun game.
Hey Ruby,
DeleteThanks a lot for the comments I am receiving from your.I think I have played this game with my classmates and another class at school because how the positions for the people to stand on looks the same when me and my classmates and this other class played.It is okay if your not good at it thats why it is called trying your best even tho you fail.I have played the game Poi Rakau which is a really fun game that our class likes to play.
Hi Aletheia,
DeleteYou're welcome! It's been lots of fun reading your blog posts :)
You are very right that it's about trying your best even if you're not succeeding. It's also about having fun! But if you have a positive attitude that won't be a problem.
It's great to hear that you have played Poi Rakau before! It's a very fun game.
Thank You Very Much Ruby!