
Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Bio Poem Drawing!

Image result for tongan patternsBio Poem Drawing!
Welcome back to my blog.
Image result for tongan patternsSo for managing self I have chosen to finish off my bio poem drawing that I have completed.I enjoy doing this because how I got to do my favourite thing which is draw patterns.We also had to draw the other side of our face because how on the left it had a picture of us then on the right we had to go and draw our own face by our self and I think I did pretty good.
Here is a photo of my bio poem.
Feel free to take a look but don't forget to COMMENT below!.
Here is a photo of my bio poem.
Reflect about my bio poem drawing.


  1. Hey there Altheia,
    I like how you have shared everyone your artwork.
    What I personally like about your artwork are the patterns and designs you have put into your picture.
    I love your artistic skills and also how you had a growth mindset to be able to draw this amazing piece of artwork.
    Great job Aletheia!.

  2. Hey Monita,

    Thanks very much for your comment I really appreciate it.
