
Thursday 2 November 2017


How to be a good Citizen?
Image result for good citizen
This week we had to do a explanation writing but this one was a fake one.It was just on to get us started for our explanation writing.Our topic was how to be a good citizen.I did not know what citizen meant but when I had researched it I had known more better about what the question ment.Here today I am going to show you my explanation writing based on the question how to be a good citizen.I really enjoyed this because how I got to get a little bit started and know information about what am I going to put on my explanation writing when we do our test.Here is my writing.Feel free to take a look but don't forget to COMMENT below!
How can I be a good citizen?
Image result for good citizenIntroduction-Here today I am going to name reason’s about how can be a good citizen in this country which is New Zealand.I am going to name 3 ways of how I can be a good citizen in New Zealand which is where we are living in right now.I think I am a good citizen by respect others with no bad language.My second reason is because how I can be kindful to people when they need help in school.My last reason why I am a good citizen is being how I help people all around me.So here are some three reasons why I am a good citizen.

Image result for good citizenRespecting others-I am a good citizen because how I can respect others in the way that I want them to respect me back .I don’t like being disrespectful to people that's why respect is one the good reasons why I am a good citizen.In new Zealand nobody likes to be treated with disrespect like using your manners instead of your bad language which is swearing.This can affect in a good way because how they can be respectful back to you instead of just using your bad language and also instead of using bad manners.

I can also be a good citizen by using my manners around people.I can be a good citizen by using my manners around people because how it will be disrespectful to people.An example is when people are on the table and you're having a family dinner.You can’t lick your plate when it is finished because how you're being disrespectful and you are not using your manners in front of your guest.This can affect in a positive way because how you're using your manners and is not also being disrespectful.

My last reason on why I am a good citizen is because how I can be kindful to people by being kind and positive.It is good to be kindful and positive because how people can treat you the same way back and you can also be known to be as a person that uses manners.People love it when people is being kindful to them because how they are respecting each other in a positive and kindful way like an example is when people are talking they don’t disrespect others or don’t use bad language.They be kind to one another by being kindful and controlling their words to not be disrespectful.It can affect them and you in a good way because how you can make friends with each other can be buddy’s.
-Enjoy reading!
Image result for good citizenIALT:show people my writing that I have written down for how to be a good citizen.

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