
Monday 4 September 2017

Would it not or will suit me?-Career's Programme

Would it not or will suit you?-Career's Programme!
For our career's programme we had to look at these to people.One was a Being a carpenter which means a builder and our 2nd option was Being a nurse.Well we had to pick if it would suit us or not and tell reason why it would not suit us or will suit us.Here is what I think of.Feel free to take a look!

Image result for carpenterBeing a carpenter would not suit me because how I might take risk and can get hurt by falling of and can be hard for me because how I have to be trained to do these stuff.It would also not suit me because how I might have to Be on time early and also would be thinking of new ideas because how it can be hard.I also say it would not suit me because how I hate ladders and climbing up things

Image result for nurseBeing a nurse would suit me because how I can help others and can sometimes do things well from someone.I also think I can suit with being a nurse because how I am used to being told by.

There you have it.What I think of these things that I could suit or not suit.
IALT:write down a reason why it can suit me or not.

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