
Friday, 28 July 2017


Today I have finished reflecting on my day from Technology for the first day of term 3.Today I am going to explain in my day at Tamaki College.Here is a google drawing that I have created.Feel free to take a look!

What I really loved about technology was craving wood.
IALT:I am learning to carve wood in our technology group Hard Materials.

Coming 2nd in the Winter Learning Program

 Today I am going to show you a google drawing that has a little
summary about coming 2nd in the Winter Learning Program.It is because how I have done
activity that I have blogged and our theme was New Zealand.Feel free to take a look at what I have reflected on getting 2nd place on Winter Learning.
Working on the online program with Winter Learning Journey was really amazing because how I got to learn more in the holidays by doing this online program activity.I really loved the way that kids from lots of school participated in this event.
Here is a picture that has the score from the our school who joined and blog activity from the Winter Learning Journey program.
If you want to see the site CLICK HERE!
IALT:I am learning to write a short summary of coming 2nd in the online program the Winter Learning Journey!

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Activity One-Maths

Today I have finished off activity one that was given for our group Islander Maths on a worksheet online.Today I will show you what we did.We had to use reverse multiplication.Here is an Example from two of our group members Ana and Monita.In this Activity one problem worksheet I have worked with a buddy is my activity one problem.Feel free to take a look!.

In this activity I had some up and downs because how it was very hard for me to try and solve it but I got through with it by connecting with Monita into what we think as a group.

WALH: To reverse multiplication and division problems to make them easier
SC:  I can solve division and multiplication problems using reversibility.

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

🏠How Hobbies Support your Whare Tapa Whā T3W1🏠

Today our class had to a task based on the subject Inquiry.We had to talk about how our hobbies can support our Whare Tapa Wha which means how can it help us with our 4 walls.
The four walls to our Whare Tapa wha house.

The reason why for that was because how our inquiry topic is based on Hobbies which means what we like to do in our free time that we really enjoy like a type of activity like Fitness.Our 4 walls are Taha Tinana (Physical),Taha Wairua (Spiritual),Taha Hinengaro (Mental) and

Taha Whānau (Social).

These all have questions which I had to answer and write some facts about what hobbies can do to help me with my 4 walls.This task that we had to do was an independent task which I worked by myself.Feel free to take a look at what I think about hobbies to support my Whare Tapa Wha.

This task felt that I can learn better in myself to see what I can do to support my 4 walls.In this activity I really like the fact that I got to connect with my 4 walls with hobbies.
IALT:I am learning to name hobbies that can support my Whare Tapa Wha(4 walls).

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

📘Ms Komor does teacher read!📘

August and his new friend that showed Tolerance to him by accepting him even tho he is different to others.

Today I am going to talk to you about teacher read in our school in Room 9 with our teacher Ms Komor.Ms Komor has decided to read a book to us every morning.It was suppose to be in the afternoon but we had so much time doing something in that time.The book that Ms Komor had for her to read to us was a book called Wonder.We only read the first chapter.
Today I am going to write in my google drawing what she had read and then retell it in my own summary like a short story.
Today I am going to talk about what I have learnt from the book and what happens and it will have some facts.
Feel free to read what Ms Komor has read from the book.This google drawing has been made by my own words.
In this activity that I have decided to do by myself I had loved doing it to see I can learn when you are different to everybody.August is a little boy who is different to people and when he goes school he meets a friend that show's tolerance to him which means they accept him for who he is.I love doing this because how I can learn what people do to people who are different to them and can see why you have friends for.
IALT:I am learning to summarise what my teacher has just read about the book Wonder.
There is a movie based on the book.HERE IS A LINK to the trailer.
For all your readers on my blog I have a quiz for you!
Where is Manhattan?
Name what country and where in that country.
Just like New Zealand Auckland but Manhattan don't come from New Zealand!

Starting your children on hobbies-Reading

Today for reading our group had to read an article called starting your children on hobbies.The reason why we have to read an article about hobbies was because how in Inquiry our topic is based on HOBBIES.Which tells us what we like to do outdoor or indoor or somewhere.Today I have completed my task on reading.If you want to see the article here is a LINK.Feel free to take a look!
For this task I had no hard feelings to what I was doing and had no bad things happening.For this task I really loved how I got to research some facts about learn something things like. THINGS I HAVE LEARNT
I learnt that Women do more hobbies than Men do.
Hobbies are very important for a personal growth and progression but for children it is extremely important for them

😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂🙏

Monday, 24 July 2017

Teacher's Goal

Today when I had finished working on my goals for term 3, it was time for me to give a personal goal to my teacher that I
had did by myself.Her goal is about learning.It was about what she can do to work on at school with her class Room9.
I have complete my teacher's goal.Feel free to read!
What I did not like?
What I did not like was trying to think hard since my teacher does everything great and I love that he is my teacher.
What I like?
I like having a positive goal for my teacher.
IALT:I am learning to give my teacher a goal made by me

Goals for term 3!

Today for the first day of term 3 we had to write about our goals.We had to write what our goals are in Writing,Reading,Maths and our personal goal that I(myself) can work on.We had to use the SMART structure and the S.E.E structure to guide us.
S-stands for STATEMENT!
E-stands for EXPLANATION!
E-stands for EXAMPLE!
Today I have finished off working on my goals.Feel free to take a look!

What I was not my favourite part about this!
I did not like it when I was stuck on thinking what I should work on this term for my goals.
What I did like:
I like how I got through with it and finished working on goals.
IALT:I am learning to think about my goals for this term!.

Sunday, 23 July 2017

My Waka Arrival To NZ Poem- The winter Learning Journey

Today I had to make a poem and describe how you would have felt when you arrived in New Zealand. Would you have been excited or scared? in this poem.Today I had made this poem by myself.It took a lot of thinking to do after trying to come up with ideas since making poem is not one of my greatest things to do.
What I did not like?
What I did not like about this was trying to find some ideas to make a poem!
What I did like?
What I liked about this was trying my best to make a poem even tho it was hard.
IALT:I am learning to make a poem about me coming to New Zealand In a Waka!

Friday, 21 July 2017

Otago Centre Rail Trail-Winter Learning Journey

Today I am going to talk about if I like to go Rail Trail on a bike with a friend or not at Otago Centre.

We did this because how a Curious Kiwi and Rachel cycled the Rail Trail in April and they loved it and I have to tell you if I want to go biking on trails with a friend and why or why not.In this google drawing I have wrote down who I will bring if I had this trip going on for me.

Feel Free to take a look👀

What I did not like about this activity:
For this activity nothing was wrong I loved this activity.
What I loved about it:
What I love about this activity was know out-door activities that I can do with a friend.
IALT:I am learning to reflect if I want to go Rail Trail with a friend In Otago Centre and say why.

Sonny Bill Williams-WInter Learning Journey

Today for Winter Learning Journey activity's I had to research some facts about someone who is famous here in New Zealand and I have chosen my person.My person is Sonny Bill Williams who is a famous Boxer and rugby player.Here in this google drawing it will have 4 facts that I had to answer.1-His name,2-The place he was

born at,3-Why they are famous and number 4-2 other interesting facts about them.Well feel free to take a look at what I have did!

What I did not like about this activity:
I didn't like how I had to try and found someone since it was very hard but I got through it.
What I did like about this activity:
What I did like about this was learning something new about Sonny Bill Williams.I learnt that he use to be a boxer.
IALT:I am learning to research about a famous new zealander and answer the questions we got given!

Thursday, 20 July 2017

What Happens next..-Winter Learning Journey

Today for winter Learning Journey for day 5 was that I had to create a own story made by me.The story was about when you and a group of people go for a walk and a Curious Kiwi would be your

guide person to where you're walking then you see a beautiful tree and you stop to take a look for a second and then look back then your group is gone.Well here today you are going to see what my story looks likes.Feel free to come and take a look at my story!

My favourite part about this was writing about my feelings to this story like how I was scared because someone will come and kidnap me and what I also liked was having lots of ideas coming in my head that I had really liked!
What I did not like about this was nearly having to write a lot of words to make it as a long story but then it had to be a short story!
IALT:I am learning to write a short story about what happens if I got lost in the middle of the forest just because how I stopped to look at a tree.

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Bonus Activity-Should Fishing at Farewell Spit Beach be Banned-Winter Learning Journey

Welcome to my blog today!
Today I am going to talk about whether we should banned fishermen from fishing at Farewell Spit beach or not.The reason why is because when people go fishing they end up catching dolphins and then let them die.Please take a look at what I think about this
IALT:I am learning to decide if people should banned fishermen from fishing at Farewell Spit beach or not.

Whale Rider-Winter Learning Journey

 Hello and Welcome to my blog.
Here today I am going to show you what I have write about.Today I had to write a summary about a movie about a young girl who was born and raised here in New Zealand.Today I have written down a summary about what is it about and did movie rating based on the trailers.1=Bad,2=Okay,3=Pretty Good,4=Good Movie,5=Excellent Movie.
IALT:I am learning to write a summary based on the movies trailers.

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Saving Whales-Winter Learning Journey

Today my job was to explain what the people were trying to do to save these whales at Farewell Spit here in New Zealand.So what happen was here in New Zealand at Farewell Spit in the news it had recently said a number of whales accidentally swam into the spit and became stuck on the beach.Lots of people came to try and save the whales to go back to the sea.Here I am going to tell you what they did to save the whales.
Please take a look at this website that will have facts about this information and videos that people posted up.CLICK HERE

Bouns Activity-Creating your own Moa animal-Winter Learning Journey

Today my job was to go on this online website.This was a program website for students who will complete fun activities which they call Mission.What I had to do was sign myself up to make create my own Moa that was going to be on my profile.Here is what I have created.Feel free to take a look.

What I like about this activity was creating my own Moa was really cool.I really loved it when I got to created my own Moa as myself on the picture but does not have my eyes only a Moa eyes.What I did not like about this was having to look at lots of pictures to find the right one to make my own Moa animal which is Cherry.My Moa animal is called Cherry and on this google drawing it will have some facts about her like what she likes to do ,what types of things is she really love forward to witch is school.
If you want to check out the website here is a link
One fact about the website you can make a game and then the owner of that program can give you permission to make it and let people play or not to give you permission. 

Monday, 17 July 2017

Possums To Kill Or To Live?-Winter Learning Journey

Today my job was to decide if New Zealand could
kill Possums or to not.The reason why for that is because how people are starting to notice that Possums are killing our leaves that means that they are damaging nature to New Zealand.Please take a look at my decision.
Today my favourite part about doing this was agreeing to someone else thoughts about this and what could we have done about this in the past when we had first brought it in New Zealand.This was Losana if you want to see more of Losana's work Here is the LINK!
What I did not like about this was seeing what possum do to our land and what they do to kill something from nature.
IALT:I am learning to decide if we should kill possums or to make them Live!.

Saturday, 15 July 2017

My Animal Adoption

Today my task was to pick an animal that I chose and a write little bit about them. I had to write what kind of animal are they? what do they eat? Where do they normally live?.Today my animal that I have pick is a Native Kea.I have write facts about it with the questions that I got to answer with.Please feel free to come take a LOOK!
IALT:I am learning to research some facts about a animal that I chose then answer the questions.

5 Questions to ask one of my family Members-Winter Learning Journey

Today my task was to get one of my family members to come answer 5 questions that I had to make up to make my sister answer.Today from my family that I have chose to come and answer these 5 questions is my 1 year apart sister Stephney.
Today she had named 5 things she liked to do in the outdoors which means what she likes to do outside.I had made 5 question for each thing she liked for her favourite out-door things.IALT:I am learning to make questions to make my sister Stephney answer it.

Friday, 14 July 2017

Winter Learning Journey-Facts about Laura Dekker

Today I had watched a clip about Laura Dekker on her experience sailing around the world and having to learn some facts about her.One thing I learnt on her clip about her experience sailing around the world was on her 7'th day of sailing around the world she was in the pacific.Now it is time to take a look at her adventure that I had researched about when she went sailing around the world.In this google drawing I had write down 5 facts that I had seen her clip that I had watched!Feel free to take a look at my google drawing that I have learnt about!
When she stopped to go visit a place.
IALT:I am learning to write facts about what I have learnt about watching Laura Dekker's clip taking a big journey looking around the entire world.
If you want to see her video sailing around the world.CLICK HERE!
Thank You very much for read and watching.Please leave a comment! 
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