
Saturday 16 September 2017

5 Favourite Hobbies of mine and reason's to it!

5 Favourite hobbies of mine and reason's to it!
Here today I am going to my 5 favourite hobbies and write down the reasons to why I had pick it for my readers to know what hobbies I like and because how this term we are learning about our hobbies that we like and what we don't like!.Here are my 5 favourite hobbies and my reason's to it.Feel free to take a look but don't forget to COMMENT below!
    Image result for soccer png
    Image result for music pngImage result for blogging png
  1. Blogging because how I love consistently blogging everyday and lets my readers get inspired by my blog post.
  2. Playing soccer because how it has been 4 years since I had been playing soccer and it makes me have fun with my family and friends
  3. Listening to music because how music can help me to keep my anger to go down and to calm me down whenever I am angry.It would be mostly at home not at school.                                        Image result for epic fails png
  4. Playing with friends because how I enjoy spending time with them and just talking with them to see what is happening and to laugh out with us watching some epic fails and hearing something that happened that was FUNNY!
  5. My last one would be eating because how I love eating a lot and enjoy eating things but one fact about me eating I hate our culture food.I don't know why but yea.Image result for eating png.
IALT:write down 5 favourite hobbies I like to do and write down reason's to it.

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