
Friday 1 September 2017

What makes ME "ME"-Careers programme!

What Makes Me "Me"?
For this programme that we are building here in Tamaki Primary our task was to talk to the person next to us and chose 2 people that we admire and think they are special like someone who is spraying.Well I have worked down 2 people who I admire.Number one would be my mom and my 2nd person would be my dad.If you want to know why feel free to take a look and don't forget to comment!
I Admire
My Mom!
I would admire my mum because how she tells me to go for it and encourages me to do it when it comes to thinks I am not very confidence about.

I would also admire my mum because how she is a person I would trust and tell her things that she could help me with like homework when I am stuck on something she’ll help me.
My mom because how she teaches me things to be able to do something like she teaches me good maths when I am stuck on times tables and can also teach me the rights things to do instead of the bad things.
My Dad!
I would also admire my dad because how whenever I need help and my mum is to busy he would help me but sometimes he would be not sure.
I would also chose my dad because how he can also teach me the good things not the bad things because how sometimes bad things can become negative things which can cause something bad.I would also chose him because how I can look up to him like a role model and to start to be like someone like him.
Positive and negative things about this!
The Positive thing about this was having to think of 2 people who I admire a lot maybe to look up to.The negative thing about this was having to think a lot cause how I had more than 2 admire's.
IALT:I am learning to think of 2 people I admire and write down why!

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