Kiwi Sport Reflection!
Greetings and welcome today.
Yesterday in the morning block for Home group 1 and 2 had there kiwi sport lesson with coach Peter. Frist home group 1 went to have there lesson frist at kiwi sport then home group came after.We learnt how to bat to your parnter then we had to chanllenge with our partner which was trying to hit the tennis ball on these canoes which was very hard because how we had to chanllenge yourself to get the canoes. The canoes were in the front so it was really hard to aim at them.I really enjoy kiwi sport because how I got to have fun with my peers and with my class.
What I learnt was how to hit it softly to get tho's canoes.
What I did not enjoy was having to be in the sun a lot which made me really hot and burning.
What I found chanllenging was trying to keep up with my parnter who was on the shade side while I was on the side with the side.
Enjoy Reading and don't forget to COMMENT below!.
Here is my reflection about Kiwi Sport.
Reflect about our kiwisport reflection.

I tried hitting those cones during Kiwisport and I found that to be difficult as well!
Maybe I could be your partner next week and we could try and give each other tips to improve on this. What do you think?
I encourage you to use images from our Kiwisport sessions as it helps your reader to connect more with what YOU and your peers did.
Great use of labels Aletheia!
I there Ms Komor,
Thank you for your comment and I also found that difficult to.Maybe we could be partners and could try next week on our next lesson and I will try to use images from our kiwisport lesson.
Thank you Ms Komor!
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