
Saturday 16 September 2017

Caught being good Award!

Image result for caught being goodCaught being Good Award!
On friday we had a duffy assembly and Gary had called out two teachers to come.It was Ms Komor and Miss 
Morrison.Miss Morrison went frist and said the frist half of people that were getting a award and then Ms Komor took the other half.Then Ms Komor called out my name and then Akih's name.Then I had to chose a book which I thought was Cool.After that the whole school and teachers had to clap for us.Me and Akih kind of have the same reason because how I got 115 blog post for September and Akih got 110 for September.
Image result for good job pngIALT:tell my readers about my caught being good award!
-Thank you for reading this written by your writer Aletheia FIfita.

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