
Wednesday 13 September 2017

Aletheia-Student Profile

Aletheia-Student Profile!
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Here today Ms Komor sent me and Akih something to fill out.It had questions related to blogging because how me and Akih were the only people with almost 100 blog post for
 September.The questions that I have answered wrote by me that I have been confident about.Here today I am going to show you the questions and have the answer's in Blue while the question is in Black.What I really enjoyed about this was having to know more better about myself with blogging.What I had found challenging with doing this was thinking too hard and having to ask what words mean when I don't know it.I also
found challenging was thinking too much because how some questions I did not have answers to but I got throw it.Here is my Student Profile.Feel free to take a look but don't forget to COMMENT below!
Student Profile
  1.  What keeps you motivated to blog consistently?
The thing that keeps me motivated to blog is when I just look at my screen and forget about my friends so I can focus on my work.
  1. How much time do you spend blogging?
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I love blogging so I don’t really know how much time I take to blog.Whenever I am at home I will just start to blog and sometimes when I am playing I sometimes play because how I feel bored sometimes so then I can get motivated a lot.
  1. What tips can you give to our readers about how to make sure we blog consistently?
It would be to move away if you can’t do this then just stare at your screen and type away
  1. Where do you get your ideas about what to blog?
Sometimes I will just look at other people’s blog to get some ideas from students in our class.

  1. Can you tell me some of your strengths that really helped you in blogging?
My strengths with blogging would be practicing on typing games to type more in my blogging.My other strengths are to get motivated with eating a lot and moving and playing more with my friends
  1. What do you think is the best service a blogger can provide to his readers?
Image result for information pngI think the best thing to do is go next to someone you have not spoken before and just do what I do best just stare at the screen and keep your hands moving.
  1.  How do you want to improve yourself in the next year?
What I want to improve more is in my maths because how I struggle a lot
  1. What is your greatest achievement outside of blogging?
Playing soccer with my friends by how I can get a lot of time with my friends. 9. Where would you like to be in blogging five years from now?
In five years from now I like to be blogging at home where I can work in the morning to night
  1. Image result for blogging png  What was the most challenging moment in your blogging journey so far?
The challenging thing about blogging would be typing and coming up with things to say to my readers because how I can be tried sometimes.
IALT:answer these questions that Ms Komor gave me and Akih.
-Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed from your grateful writer Aletheia Fifita.

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