
Wednesday 13 September 2017

Blog Commenting-L.J blog

Blog Commenting-L.J blog!
Image result for great jobImage result for commenting pngHere today I have been looking at some of our students blog about what they have been learning or been doing and I have came across Lj's blog post which made me happy because how in his post he had been talking about me.Yes ME which I had reading and looking at because how he had blogged about me getting a lot of blog's on september on 13'th which blowed his mind and I enjoying having that said for his readers to take a look!Today I have written down a positive comment to him about thanking him for writing about me.Thank you LJ I appreciate it.Here is a screenshot of my Comment.Feel free to take a look but don't forget to COMMENT below!
I also really enjoy looking at someone's blog written about me and what I do best which was blogging.
IALT:write down a positive comment to LJ for writing about ME!
Check out LJ
-Thank you for reading my you're grateful write Aletheia Fifita.

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