Technology 2DAY!

Here today as usually we have technology at Tamaki College with teachers that teach us.For technology I am now in Ms Ferguson's group which means that we are building clocks just like she did with her last group.For technology my clock is going to be a emoji laughing clock.The reason why I picked that is because how I love laughing a lot with people that is why I picked it.I am really going to enjoy this day because how we get to go to technology and technology is so amazing and fun at the same time.What I might not enjoy is having Ms Ferguson give us a big trouble because how last time we were talking to much that is why some people got into trouble.What I founded challenging was having to create a draft clock because how my circle kept on not being straight to much.My next steps are to be quiet and tell others to.
-Enjoy Reading!
IALT:relfect about us having technology 2day.
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