
Thursday 14 September 2017


Image result for blog commenting pngHere today I am going to show you a screenshot of types of drawings I love to draw.Two things I love to draw is patterns and cute eyes.Here today I have no words in it but it only says types of drawings we like me draw which means to me.Take a look at my screenshot and feel free to comment below!
Image result for thumbs up emoji pngWhat I enjoyed about this was having to look at beautiful things that I enjoy looking at.What I did not enjoy was having to delete some pictures because how there was so many picture I had chosen so then they could not fit so they had to be deleted.
-IALT:write down what types of drawing I love to draw.
Image result for thumbs up emoji png-This is the end thank you for reading this post written by your writer Aletheia Fifita!


Anonymous said...

Wow Aletheia this some great work and well done for reaching 115 blog posts this month great job keep up the amazing work

Anonymous said...

WOW Alo,
I love the way you are putting down your positive comments on my blog.Thank you for that because how I see your comments all the time blog commenting on my blog!

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