
Friday 20 October 2017

Replying Back To Ms Komor!

Image result for commentReplying Back To Ms Komor!
Image result for commentImage result for commentHere today I have seen that I have had some comment on my blog about my blog post about halloween nearly here.I have went and checked on who had comment and seen that my teacher Ms Komor.She had made one fact about her that I did not know she did on halloween.She had said that she had not trick or treated before and I was kind of the same from her because how our family doesn't celebrate halloween.Here today I have chosen to reply back to her message.Here is a screenshot of our comment.Feel free to take a look but don't forget to COMMENT below!
IALT:reply back to Ms Komor's comment.
Image result for comment-Thank you for reading if you want to check out some of my teachers blog post CLICK HERE!

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