Picnic Day Reflection!
Today straight after technology we had been dropped off to Point England reserve and when we had came there we had seen that Ms Aireen and Kelly had already got ready for our picnic day to start.
Here is my reflection that I have written about.
It has:
- When
- Why
- Where
- How
- What
- What I enjoyed
- What I did not enjoy
- What I saw
- What I found chanllenging to do
and other facts.
Here is my reflection about our picnic day.
Enjoy Reading and make sure to comment below.
Thursday 30th of November 2017
The reason why we did was because how it was supposed to be doing some team activities until we had fun in doing things like:
- Playing touch
- Playing Rugby
- Playing Volleyball
- Playing at the swings
- Watering each other
and also playing with each other and trying to sleep.

It had happened at the Point England reserve near Point England School.
We got there in the bus after our technology had finished off so Ms Komor asked our bus driver to drop us off to the Point England reserve which was where we had our picnic day at.
At the Point England reserve what some of the boys did was play rugby or touch and the other students were playing at the park and also watering each other.
It was so fun because how I got to see my friend Kensington and Alone have fun by watering each other so other students join until it went to far by them going to the beach and swimming there which had looked fun but I did not wanted to get wet.
What I enjoyed

What I had enjoyed about this picnic day with the Kia Manawanui Syndicate was seeing my friends have fun with each other by running around and watering each other with the water and also seeing them have fun in the beach swimming.
What I did not enjoy
What I did not enjoy was having students wet me but then I had got dried from the hot sunny day and I had did not also enjoyed it because how there was sometimes a storm coming with some noises from the sky and it had looked like it was going to be raining.

What I saw
I saw people have fun by participating and contributing with others in games actives and fun things that they were doing.
What I found chanllenging to do
What I found chanllenging was trying to play with others but then I got so tired and laid down in the park while the hot sun was glancing at me.
Enjoy reading this is the end of reading my reflection hope you had fun reading my reflection about our picnic day don't forget to COMMENT below about what you think I should work on or what I did well about this.
IALT:Reflect about our picnic day today.