Needing 37 More!
Greetings and welcome back to my blog.

So you know that I want to try and achieve my goal of reaching over 500 blog post by the end of this month.Well here today I have seen that I only need 37 more blog post to be able to reach over 500.I am so proud because how when I achieve this I will be so proud because how it will be my frist time reaching and doing over 500 blog post for a month.I tried it on September and on October but I still could not achieve it but I really believe that I can do it this month.
I really enjoy seeing that I can consistently blog every time to achieve lots of blog post for this month.

What I find chanllenging with blogging is finding out what I should blog so what I do is take a look at my classmates blogs to have some ideas.
-Enjoy Reading!
Reflect about me needing 37 more blog post to reach 500.
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