School's Finished!
Greetings and welcome back to my blog.

School has now finished and I am so excited to be blogging at home.I am very sorry for not being on because how in our morning block we had writing and also got to read a article than we had kiwisports and after kiwisports we finished off our writing.After morning tea in our middle block we had fitness than we had to go back to our classrooms and did maths and then at 2:15 we went to room 10 to do our mauri session with Ms Aireen then lunch time came and then on our last block we had to do a stock take because how Ms Aireen wanted to know who's got the tamaki netbooks and he does not got all three items which was:
- A netbook case
- A netbook
- A charger
and she also checked if we needed some lables and I have did.

Well I am now back to do more blogging and I really enjoy being back to do more blogging by myself outside.
What I find chanllenging with blogging is getting tired but sometimes I get threw it by staying focused.
-Enjoy Reading!
IALT:Reflect about school finished.
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