Writing With Ms Komor!
Today this morning Ms Komor asked 6 people to come with her and those 6 people were
- Me
- Ana
- Faith
- Helen
- Matthew
- Siale
What we had to do was bring a pencil and go down to the board room where Ms Kelly and this other person would come in and see how we do in writing.What we did was talk about writing and what we had to do was get into pairs.
The groups are:
- Faith & Helen
- Ana & Me
- Matthew & Siale
First we had to talk to each other about what we enjoyed about writing and what I had enjoyed was having to be creative with your stories.Then when we finished that we had to write it down in a piece of paper that stick it up on the board.When we all finished that we had to talk about what we found chanllenging with writing and what I had found chanllenging with writing is trying to spell words that are difficult for me to spell.When we finished that we me and Ana had to read a story about good friends and what we had to do is find words that connect to the title which was good friends. Here are 3 words that I have remembered that we had circled:

- Inspiration because how sometimes friends can inspire you to do more or try harder.
- Promise because how friends promise each other and never give up on each other.
- Helping because how friends help each other when they are suck just like how my friends helped me.

I really enjoyed doing this because how I got to write down what I enjoyed and what I had find chanllenging with writing then I had shared it out with my buddy Ana.
-Enjoy Reading!
IALT:Reflect about our group doing writing with Ms Komor.
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