Greetings and welcome back to my blog.
Room 9's task now is to do this presentation where it will have DLO,questions to answers and other things related to zoo because how tomorrow room 9 and 10 are going to the zoo and on the presentation on one of the slides there was a question and the question was:
- Should we have zoos?
I really enjoyed answering this question because how I got to put in my thoughts and my buddy Akanesi had put in her thoughts about should we have zoos and we both said we should have zoos and had also put down our reason why.Our reason were both different.When we finished on answering that question we had to record yourself by using the app screencastify ite.It was really cool because how we got to express ourselves and also record by saying what our reasons were to should we have zoos?.We had did a lot of mistakes but we went thru it and made a video.I really enjoyed 
making this video because how I got to tell my reason and also know what was Akanesi's reason.What I had found chanllenging with making this video is when we had a lot of mistakes because how I had kept on laughing for no reason then I got serious and we both made the video.
Maybe next time I could:
- Take a break
- Be calm
Enjoy Reading here is a video of our reason's to should we have zoos?
IALT: show our video of us recording our reason's to should we have zoos?
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