Summer Learning Journey!
#Bonus Activity!
Good morning and welcome back to my blog.
Good morning and welcome back to my blog.

In this activity it will be a bonus activity and this activity we had to watch a video about people racing the waka ama race and what we have to do is answer this which had said:
- On your blog tell us whether you would like to be in the waka ama race.
- Why or why not?
Today I have written down my honest answer about this I was so happy that I could be honest with my answer.
Here is my answer.
Feel free to take a look but don't forget to COMMENT below!.
Answer:I would want to try the waka ama race just because how I want to try something new and Challenge that I have not did before plus this will be a great experience in learning some new tips on being a waka and also learning how to control it.
I really enjoy doing this because how I got to tell my honest answer to what I think and I was very proud when I had saw my answer.

What I did not enjoy was trying to furige out if I would go on the waka ama race or not because how half of me said go and the other half said not to go because how it was a thing I did not did before and what told me to go was because how I could of tried something new.
So have you been in a waka before?
Would you like to be in the waka ama race or not?
Please answer below with your answers.
-Enjoy Reading!
IALT: answer rather I would go on the waka ama race or not.
Hi Aletheia,
My name is Patricia Santos and I will be blogging with you for the Summer Learning Journey. I really like how you describe the task very well before you wrote your answer, this is great because it gives your followers context so they can understand and engage with your written. Great use of visual image here that will help to support your text and keep engagement.
Moving forward I would like you to read proof you written before publish it. Perhaps you can read it out loud and make sure that you are making your points clearly and also ask yourself this question: How can I make this more interesting? Another good technique is to have a peer to give you feedback about your post before you publish it as this can help you to gain perspective and improve the overall quality of your text. Keep in mind that this is not about how long your post are but rather the quality of your written. Keep up with your great work!
Kia Kaha,
Hey Patricia,
Thank you for this comment.I really enjoy having the great feedback from you for me to try furige out what I should do next time to make my blog more amazing and good.I really enjoy having your positive comment about my images that I had put on my blog.
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