Summer Learning Journey Day 2 #Activity 2!
Welcome back to my blog.
In this activity it had talked about Acknowledging Ancestry and one of the things they use was a pepha.It was easy for Rachel to use a pepeha because how it would identify who she is and where she comes from.

This pepeha that I use was a pepeha that I use last year when we had to talk about ourselves in class.
Well we could also video yourself saying it but I have chosen to not video myself because how sometimes I don't have the confidence to video myself saying it and showing on my blog.
Well we could also video yourself saying it but I have chosen to not video myself because how sometimes I don't have the confidence to video myself saying it and showing on my blog.
So here is a google drawing on my pepeha.
Feel free to take a look but don't forget to COMMENT below!
Ko Mount Wellington te maunga .
The mountain that I affiliate* to is…
The mountain that I affiliate* to is…
Ko ________________________ te awa .
The river that I affiliate to is….
Ko_______te waka .
The waka that I affiliate to is…
Ko ______________________ tōku tīpuna .
My founding ancestor is…
Ko ______Tainui tōku iwi .
My tribe is…
Ko ________________ tōku hapu .
My sub-tribe is…
Ko_____tōku marae .
My marae is…
Ko New Zealand/Auckland ahau .
I am from…
Ko Mele rāua ko Sione ōku mātua .
My parents are … and …
Ko Aletheia ingoa .
My name is …
I did not understand the others that were not filled out but I was happy with what I did.
So what is your pepeha?
Would you do a pepeha?
Please tell me by commenting below.
-Enjoy Reading and have fun!
IALT:write down my own pepeha.
IALT:write down my own pepeha.
Kia Ora Aletheia,
Kei te pēhea koe? (How are you?)— firstly, I want to acknowledge how amazing you are for completing the entire programme! That's incredibly impressive Aletheia. Now I'm curious, what are you going to do for the remainder of the holidays?
I would also like to acknowledge your completion of this particular exercise: your Pepeha. Personally I think that identity is critical, and that learning about what ties us to the land is a refreshing way to learn about our heritage. It also outlines how incredibly important we are as humans!
I'm impressed with the picture's you've shown; I think that they appropriately reflect your idea about identity.
You've done a really exceptional job Aletheia, you just need to double check your titles. I was trying to find this particular activity because I'm very passionate about Te Ao Māori (The Māori World). Maybe you could double check all of your title posts match the activities? For example, this post could have the title "Day 3: Activity 2: Acknowledging Ancestry"
Keep up the great work Aletheia,
Hey Jordan,
Thank you very much for your lovely comment and some feedback for next time.I hope you can see more blog post from me.
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