Summer Learning Journey!
Day 5 #Activity 1!
Greetings and welcome back to my blog.
So many of the European settlers did not speak Te reo Moari so instead they had spoken in one language which was English.It had been very difficult for the two groups to communicate because how they did not have a dictionary or translator back in the days and now these days we are able to use the internet to translate the words and phrases from one language to another
So what we have to do is match these Māori phrases with their English translation and post them on your blog.
Here are the Moari phrases:
a) He pai taku ki te takaro i te whutupaoro.
b) He aha to ingoa?
c) Nau mai ki Aotearoa.
d) Ko _____ toku ingoa.
e) No hea koe?
Here is the English phrases:
1. Welcome to New Zealand.
2. ____ is my name.
3. What is your name?
4. I like to play rugby.
5. Where are you from?
So I have figured out which one is which and it is...
4. I like to play rugby.
5. Where are you from?
So I have figured out which one is which and it is...
Aletheia is my name
Nau mai ki Aotearoa
Welcome to New Zealand
He aha to ingoa?
What is your name?
No hea koe?
Where are you from?
He pai tuku ki te takaro I te Whuntupaoro
I like to play rugby.
I really enjoyed doing this because how I got to learn some new things like that back in the days the Moari and European had to try and communicate by speaking each others language.
What I did not enjoyed was trying to figure out which one is which but I tried my best and think I got it right.
Here is a sentence that says something in Moari and then I will tranlate it to English for you guys to know.
He pai au i te poikiri-I am good at soccer.
Here is a sentence that says something in Moari and then I will tranlate it to English for you guys to know.
He pai au i te poikiri-I am good at soccer.
-Enjoy Reading!
So what do you think?
Have I did it right?
Please answer by commenting below!
IALT: write down which one is which with the Moari and English Phrase.
Hey Aletheia,
The translation on your blogpost from Maori to English is INCREDIBLE! I wonder where you have learnt that from. Even though, You are FULL Tongan & Also my relative, I am proud of you for translating ALL those Maori questions into English!
Maybe next time, You could answer the questions that were given to give your audience or reading more interest in your work. You could also make the writing a little bigger as it is quite hard for me to read and to also to fix your sentences and also spelling errors too.
Overall, This is an AMAZING blog post & I hope to see many more of your blog posts. Keep Up The Wonderful Effort!
Akanesi :)
Thank You Very Much Akanesi.
Hi Aletheia,
Ruby here from the Summer Learning Journey team! Great work with this activity. Well done.
I'm pleased that you were able to learn some new things about the Maori language. It's important to know some Maori I think because it's native only to New Zealand.
You've translated all of those sentences very well! Don't forget to put your own name into the sentence that talks about what your name is so that it makes sense :)
Could you tell me something you like to do in Maori? For example, I like to play the piano. In Maori that is: he pai taku ki te takaro i te piana.
I look forward to reading more of your blog.
Greetings there Ruby,
Thank you for your comment ,I really appericate it and plus I will go back and edit my blog to change what I have forgotten and try to put something in Moari just like how your example was.
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