Expectations Shown At The Pool!
Greetings and welcome back to my blog.
Tomorrow Tamaki Primary School will be going to the Lagoon Pools at Panmure to have a whole school trip.I think it is a brilliant idea to have us go to the pools in this bright sunny weather.In room 10 both classes had to write down some expectation that you need to show at the pools.I have written down some expectation that you need to show when:
- You are in the pools
- You are entering/leaving
- You are changing.
I really enjoy doing this because how I got to learn what to do and what not to do when we are at the Lagoon Pools.What I found chanllenging was trying to figure out some ideas to each questions but then I had got it and remembered a video from our teachers here at TPS.
Here are some expectation that you need to show when you are at the Lagoon Pools.
Thanks for reading don't forget to COMMENT below!.
IALT:Write down expectation that are shown when we go pools
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