
Thursday 9 November 2017

Aletheia and Lusia-Manaiakalani Film Festival comments

Image result for movieAletheia and Lusia-Manaiakalani Film Festival comments.
Image result for commentImage result for commentOn Wednesday our buddy class had came down to our class for us to do an activity with them.I was nervous when our buddy class came because how I had no buddy but then I had to get parnter up with Lusia because how her buddy was not here so what me and Lusia had to work on was doing this presentation which was reflecting about the manaiakalani film festival.What we had to do write down some comments on some of the manaiakalani film festival movies.What I really enjoyed was having to communicate with each other to write down a comment.What I found challenging was having to hear some of the movies since they were kind of low to hear.Here is our presentation.Feel free to take a look but don't forget to COMMENT below!
Image result for commentIALT:show my readers and people a presentation of what our class and our buddy's did.
Thank you for reading!

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