
Sunday, 5 November 2017

Well Done TONGA!

Image result for well done tongaWell Done Tonga!
Last night I was so proud of Tonga's game against Samoa because how last night I got to watch the full game and it was so cool because how I got to see my country Tonga win the rugby game against Samoa.This must of been the biggest game because how lots of people were celebrating the game which looked cool as for people to cheer for there country.I really enjoyed watching this game because how I got to see our team won but it was a cool game because how the Samoan team members were closest to scoring a try but then someone from the Tongan team got them.Well Done for Tonga they made their country very proud.
Related image-Enjoy Reading!
IALT:say well done to Tongan and write down why.
The scores were


Ms. Komor said...

CONGRATULATIONS TONGA!!!! Great use of images Aletheia!
As I read your post, I noticed that I couldn't find the final score of the game. Adding this important detail would improve the quality in this piece of writing! :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry Ms Komor the scores were 32-18.
Tonga had 32 and Samoa had 18.

Ms. Komor said...

Great. Now you can edit your work and add the score somewhere in your writing! :)

Ms. Komor said...

Nice work Aletheia! This shows that you are able to take constructive feedback and use it in order to improve your work! #proudteacher

Anonymous said...

Thank You very much Ms Komor.

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