
Thursday 9 November 2017

Needing 39 More!

Image result for blogNeeding 39 more!
Today I have seen that on my blog I only need 39 more blog post to be able to reach over 300 blog post and I am having faith in myself to be trying to achieve the goal of trying to reach 300 blog post.I really enjoy seeing that I only need 39 more blog post.I really enjoy seeing the amount of blog post I do.What I find challenging is having to look for information.My next steps are putting more information for more readers to know more information
Image result for 39-Enjoy Reading!
IALT:Reflect about me needing 39 more blog post.


Ms. Komor said...

It certainly is a good feeling to see when we are so close to reaching our goal!
I really admire your ability to focus and make time to blog your work everyday. Well done!
For your next steps Aletheia, I would like for you to think about the following...
1. Am I consistently using my blog post checklist to make sure I have quality blogs? I.e. I have outlined my next steps, I have written my thoughts AND feelings about the topic I am discussing.
2. What things could I be adding to my blogs to draw in my readers?

Let me know what I could do to help you with this. I LOVE helping others reach their potential and goals! :)

Anonymous said...

Thank You Ms Komor for you lovely comment and I will make sure I have lots of information for my readers to know fact.
Thank you Ms Komor.

Ms. Komor said...

Adding facts is one thing that you could do. Adding your thoughts/feelings about the topic is something that helps your audience understand more about you. It also allows you to bring a perspective that your audience ( or reader) may not have thought about before.

You are becoming a great writer! I can see you extending your writing to becoming a blogger or even a journalist!
These are tips to help you become stronger. :)

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