
Wednesday 1 November 2017

Mother & Daughter Evening!

Mother & Daughter Evening!
Image result for animated mother and daughterToday girls from the age of year 7 and 8's in our school have this thing going on.It is based on the word liberty which means freedom.In the hall at Tamaki Primary School today in the hall at 5pm to 8pm there is this going on for the girls in room 9 and 10 that will be happening.The year 7 and 8 girls have to bring a lady that they really are confident about talking to like there mothers.Here today I have chosen to pick my mother to come with me because how I can talk out my problems with her when I need to talk to someone about my problems.This happened to my sister which is going to cool because how there is going to be food which is exciting.
I am really going to enjoy this because how I get to spend time with my mum doing this.
Image result for animated mother and daughter-Enjoy Reading!
IALT:reflect about the mother and daughter evening.

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