
Wednesday 8 November 2017

Athletics Coming Up!

Image result for racingAthletics Coming Up!
This term we have athletics coming up which is really exciting because how I could have some time to improve my running skills by trying to be fit and always training.I really am going to enjoy athletics to see the students in their house colours to cheer for their house colour which is going to be exciting to see.I really enjoy athletics because how we can dress up in our house colours and cheer for the house colour to win and I am going to try make sure that our team TRIPOLI is going to win.
Image result for runningWhich team do you like Tripoli(blue),Troburk(red),Alemien(yellow) and benghazi(green)?
Why did you pick that house colour?
Please put your amazing ideas below where you writer can see.
IALT:Reflect about athletics coming up. 

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